51/ EIF launches policy briefs to develop trade opportunities for least-developed countries

4 MAY 2021

The Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) released on 4 May three policy briefs recommending actions to boost the participation of least-developed countries (LDCs) in international trade. The briefs look at integrating trade into sustainable development strategies, using tourism to support recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthening value chains in the clothing sector in LDCs.

Using case studies from various countries, including Cambodia, Madagascar, Lesotho and Zambia, the briefs recommend measures that LDCs could take at both the policy and institutional levels to improve trading opportunities. A major focus is on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and governments’ policy responses.

The analysis is the latest example of the EIF’s efforts to help LDCs develop strong trade policies and institutions that support global trade. It draws on collaboration between LDC governments, the EIF and partner agencies on supporting trade in LDCs across a range of sectors.

The briefs, which are available in both English and French, cover:

The EIF is the only multilateral partnership dedicated exclusively to helping LDCs use trade as an engine for growth, sustainable development and poverty reduction. It is a unique global partnership between LDCs, donors and partner agencies, including the WTO, which work together to build trade capacity in LDCs.

Source: wto.org


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