8/ Renewing sustainable cities in the latest ISOfocus

By Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis

How are cities rethinking their sustainability? As priorities are reassessed in the post-Covid era, the imperative for more resilient, equitable, low-carbon cities will remain unchanged. The latest ISOfocus brings a renewed interest to sustainable cities.

The May/June ISOfocus, entitled “Creating sustainable cities”, aims to stimulate discussion on how to make urban development projects and actions sustainable. It spotlights a number of standards intended to help cities and communities become smarter and more resilient, and the different standards strategies that can help.

As Annika Andreasen, CEO, Swedish Institute for Standards (SIS), explains in her opening remarks: “To make our vision a reality, we must encourage well-anchored, innovative and cross-sectoral solutions that are replicable to different world contexts. […] In this sense, standardization offers significant benefits as a platform on which stakeholders can develop common solutions to address economic, environmental and societal challenges.”

Sustainable cities are cities which, whilst thriving and generating economic growth, minimize any negative social, economic and environmental impacts. And the challenges for cities are many, including rural-urban migration, poverty, inequality, unemployment, air pollution, and investment (or lack of it).

This ISOfocus also features the President of Grenoble-Alpes Métropole, Christophe Ferrari, who turned to ISO standards as part of the city’s urban renewal programme. As Ferrari explains. “ISO 37101 establishes a reference framework and a common language for all types of urban projects. It enables a successful interpretation of the synergies between projects and the different stakeholders across the region, in the interest of a common goal.”

Cities must work better for everyone, as the fragility of today’s economies, weakened by the recent sanitary crisis, has made clear. As the world adjusts to this “new reality”, ISO is committed to helping cities and offering standards solutions that create resilient, thriving cities for all.

 Source: iso.org


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