94/ Cycling for life

By Roxanne Oclarino on 15 July 2020

Looking after our own and each other’s health and well-being has never been more important. Commuting remains an essential part of our everyday lives and offers us an efficient way to increase physical activity daily. Luckily, electrically power-assisted cycles, or EPACs, are on the rise – paving the way for us to do just that. Here’s everything you need to know about this technology and how ISO helps ensure that we pedal towards wellness in the safest way possible.

The world’s smartest cities recognize that cycling promotes simple and healthy lifestyles and sustainable commuting. The global market for this technology is projected to witness rapid growth due to its increasing consumer preference as an eco-friendly alternative for getting around. The technology is so popular that in Asia, the world’s largest e-bike market, there are currently two hundred million of them in use, followed by Europe and the Americas. The market is still comparatively small for the rest of the world, and yet, as more people become aware of its countless benefits, the adoption rates are set to increase over time.

But first, what exactly is an EPAC? It is a vehicle which has at least two wheels and is propelled by the muscular energy of the person on that vehicle, in particular by means of pedalling, with added assistance provided by an electric motor. Simply put, it is a bicycle with an electric motor, rechargeable batteries, and some gadgetry integrated into them for momentum. So when you’re tempted to ride, but your legs or knees don’t feel they are up to the challenge, don’t fret! As we age, we may have less capacity to exert more power, but an EPAC will still get us out there, making it easy to start exercising again.

“Brake” no sweat

Scared that your recreational ride will end in tears and sweat? No problem! When you ride, the motor is your buddy and will take you where you’re supposed to be. Once you start pedalling on an e-bike, a small motor engages giving you an extra boost. You have the freedom to control your speed with your feet, but with some assistance, you just feel more powerful, accelerating easily. Tough terrains along your route? Work that electric boost to your advantage. Is your destination too far away and you don’t want to endure the usual traffic? Pedal your way there without breaking a sweat. This will save you time and energy.

Cycling for leisure and recreation also fosters a sense of solidarity within local communities. It gives us freedom unlike any other mode of transportation. Freedom to roam around places and never worry about the gas. Freedom to navigate and pedal anywhere without having to sit in much traffic. Most importantly, freedom to have fun! Given the increasing interest in this technology, studies emphasize its potential to promote physical activity of a sufficient intensity to gain numerous health benefits.

Source: iso.org


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