When set foot in Dalat located on Langbian Plateau, visitors will not be surprised to was amazed at the natural scene with the same message pine, waterfall rushing and murmuring streams flowed and especially flowers. There is no place in our country there are many flowers in Dalat – from tropical forest to the flower of the East and the West. United oriental charm, soft. In the flower garden in the city or in the private garden, visitors can see the pink of peach blossom, the wall acts; purple chrysanthemum of Japan, Ngoc Han; maximum yellow flowers, natural flowers, hibiscus red; white porcelain flower, lily, tea mi …

At night, guests can enjoy the fragrant and tender radiating from the hyacinth, jasmine, roses … the mountain plateau even more romantic and charming. In Dalat daisies bloom all year round. There are over 20 different buttons. One of the species Chrysanthemum or referred to sans-Souci (not entangled discomfort – without priority) then Hortensia (hydrangeas), Pensée, cosmos (butterflies), Oeiuet (of carnations), Violette ( purple flowers), Immortelle (flowers immortal), Arum (trumpet flower stalk). Some of the flowers originate from North America, Mexico, Africa, or Europe, but the Vietnamese name but really like: royal he (verged’or), drugs (Dahlia), second line (begomia rex), wolf snout (gueule de loup), flower lantern (Fuchsia), determined cannon (sauge eclatante), Lotus shallow (capucine) …

That is the origin of flowers, and flowers forest in Langbian, to no end, and besides it is both strange and beautiful. In forests along streams, pine top Langbian know how the flower City cherry-sharp, orchids, azaleas, buy flowers, butterfly silver … I dig a wild flower in the forest, from the turn of the century 20 be brought in Da Lat. Since then, every year on the level close to the New Year, the blossoms signal spring over and a new year coming. Dalat has cherry trees name is Prunus cerasoides, the five-pointed bill like the leopard. Cherry tree plant is characteristic of temperate domain, to empty leaves fall and entered the winter break, the tree skeleton cherry blossom branches. 1964, Dalat was introduced more Japanese cherry varieties grown in the Xuan Huong lake, but because the temperature is not cold enough, the humidity is low, the lack of fog should not live. Commission is derived from the Middle East as of rosa lutea or acclimatized from China to Europe in the 18th century as Rosa indicafragans. Also, Dalat also offers many varieties of roses named after the West as like petal pink Brigide Bardot, as sweet as her lips famous actor in France. Like silver star light purple alluring, same brilliant scarlet America, like Josephine Kennedy iridescent yellow, like Grace Monaco colored pink radio page as’ the queen of Monaco. As for the West, since the flowers arrived in Da Lat, until now still keep its original name as mimosa, lys, glaieul, coquelicot, Marguerite, Gerbera Orchids in Dalat has over 200 species, in including five species were detected for the first time in the world was named Dalat or Langbian. Lan in Dalat are classified into three main types Aboriginal times, jellies and orchids. Aboriginal spread spreads Land, grows on the banks of streams or in wet areas in the deep forest. Instant jelly spread skin, grow in the slot or on the rocks with green moss. Symbiotic orchid lives on other trees. Lan was named for the shape and color of the flowers, leaves or stems, roots attached crane, white crane, especially the red, narcissus, first comedy, function nearby, needle messages, self, royal orchid, cow cable … Most of the times mentioned or hatched in the winter or spring. Often, the game spread with the kind of flowers to enjoy Tet. Lan is the flower you are pampered when it eligible in shape and color. So that the play lan in Dalat, so far has not cost so much effort, time and money to silver to adorn spread. From the symbiotic plant life on other trees in the forest, spread people propagated by tubers and sold on the market. In addition, many varieties imported from foreign countries such as chateau, Sayonara, balkis, Oriental legend … has enriched spread collection of Dalat. Also spread on the desert hills, the green field, we also encounter a wild flower as virgin land me, doe eyes, favored land, daisies, sunflowers, it’s pretty easy to develop flowers. Have some effect on medicine flower dandelion, daisy buttons … both beautiful and useful for medicine. Can say in Dalat, where to go and see the flowers and there are so many flowers so they called Dalat is the “City of Eternal Spring”.