With the formation and long development of the tourism industry in other countries in the world, to date, the terms and definitions used in the travel dates agreed common and appears set of terms. In each country, the terms of the travel industry that is specified in the text of laws, national standards, dictionaries and publications of universities. On the international level, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has also published the book “Global directory of tourism and entertainment” in 2001 in which no regulations on terminology. In 2003, the International Standards Organization has officially released his standard “tourist services – Hotels and other types of tourist accommodation establishments – the term” (ISO 18513:2003). Currently, a number of European countries issued the standard “tourist services – Hotels and other types of tourist accommodation establishments – The term” fully accepted on the basis of international standards with known ISO 18513:2003. Specifically, Germany promulgated DIN EN ISO 18 513, France issued standard NF EN ISO 18 513, Russia issued a standard GOST R 53423-2009.

In our country, the current standard in the field of tourism existing 7 VS-five specific criteria for ranking forms of tourist accommodation. However, the travel industry still no TCVN about the term used in tourism. Current terminology used in the field of tourism most acquired from foreign sources. Therefore, there exists several ways out and people to appear quite a lot of documentation on tourism terminology by universities, research institutes and of the proposed independent study with many different interpretations. To the State management agency for tourism, in recent years, the support of the EU Delegation to Vietnam through human resource training project tourism, Tourism has released a document training and qualification in that has some content related to the term used in the travel industry but also did not meet the real requirements in the process of using.

b. The reason and purpose of building standards

b.1. The reason for building TCVN

The study, developed and published the National Standards on terminology used in business tourist accommodation and additional services of tourist accommodation establishments comes from a number of urgent needs here:

- At present, the tourism industry, in addition to a number of terms have been standardized in the Tourism Law and the relevant guidance documents, the majority of the term being in and out of state agencies from central to local businesses using not agree on the interpretation. Furthermore, the influence of the region, using emotional terms, confusing habits both form and function terms.

- On the basis of materials from foreign countries, many terms have been translated into English but there is no consensus on how to transfer and use of terminology.

- In the process of economic integration in general and tourism in particular, require standardized system to meet the National Standards build national repository database is compatible with the general provisions of the world as well as the standard repository of WTO members or some of Vietnam relations.

- Announcement of the National Standard terms are also of great significance for the unification of the use of the term, in the advocacy role of tourism in the social objectives of tourism development. The term will be a source of reference and reference for those who work in the travel industry and the press agencies, domestic and foreign news using terms related to tourist accommodation. Through the unified interpretation of the term, hope all people will be more consistent and correct understanding of new business development in Vietnam but bring huge economic benefits and social.