From the date 1-7-2013, Croatia officially became the 28th member state of the European Union. Event tourism wing of the point to Balkans Croatia owns the landscape beside the cultural heritage and the natural world.

Krka National Park is located along the river of the same name, near the city of Sibenik is equally beside the waterfall with clear water reflecting in the sun creating beautiful natural scenery as paradise on earth.

And with 222 birds, this park is one of the extensive research on birds in Europe. Especially, tourists have a chance to learn hunting techniques with hawks and falcons coaching skills … So the journey to explore the park by bike or boat in Krka park always attracts tourists customers.

Since July, many cultural events held in Croatia dense. Accordingly, from 10-7 to 25-8 on the Dubrovnik summer festival with performances of theatrical genres took place at the beautiful architecture of this ancient city. Opera performances will take place in Split Summer Festival from 14-7 to 14-8.

The visitors are followers of the Seventh Art, Pula Film Festival takes place in July with the outdoor screening venue will be interesting …